
Monday, August 23, 2010

KSU Week One

Hey Everyone!

As part of a school assignment, I will be posting a new blog about once a week, maybe twice a week.

For this first post, I'll just write about my first week here at KSU.

Upon arrival to KSU, I was blown away. The campus was very big and very beautiful. There were people everywhere, and check-in looked like it was going to take hours. It did. The financial aid office lost my deferment form, so I was almost unable to move in that day; but after waiting for what seemed like years, they found it, and things continued as normal. I met my roommate, his family, and friends, and moved all of my stuff into my dorm. It felt nice to have my own room. I did not realize how many people lived on my hall until the hall meeting, where I met my RA’s, two lively girls who wanted to make sure our first year at Kennesaw was one of the best years of our lives. Later that evening was the Ice Cream Social, which involved meeting more people. Move-in day was certainly one for the record books.
            Life on campus this first week has been great. I have met a number of incredible people, and had some great meals in the Commons. I have enjoyed adjusting to college life and all that it brings: waking myself up for class, being responsible for myself, and just learning how to live without my parents. One of the best things about living on campus is that mostly everything is free. The university understands that college students are short on cash, so they literally give stuff to us for free: food, prizes, and basic necessities. I can definitely tell that living on campus is going to be one incredible experience.
One of the main aspects of being in college is going to class. I am a member of the PEGS Program, so my classes are in a Learning Community. I believe this has enhanced my college experience already because of the closeness that comes with a Learning Community. I have all of my classes with the same 15 people, which gives each of us a chance to really get to know one another. The classes themselves are very different from high school courses. In college, much of the work is done outside of class, apart from the teacher’s watchful eye. The classes are more difficult, and much more is expected of the students.
Yes, I do believe that college is going to be some of the best years of my life. It has been an incredible first week so far, getting to know people, living on my own, and going to class. The people I have met are great, and I have some of the best professors this university has to offer. I am very glad that I chose Kennesaw State University for my college experience.