
Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 9: 2 Songs

1. Believe by Yellowcard. I recently (probably March or April) became a huge Yellowcard fan, thanks to my Cartel station on Pandora. Said station played one song by Yellowcard, and I don't even remember which one it was, but I really liked it. I already had Ocean Avenue (because come on, who didn't?) on my iPod, so I decided to check out more of their stuff, and I really liked it. I now have 4 of their CDs (working on getting the rest) on my computer and iPod, and they are one of my favorite bands. I don't think I go a day without listening to them. This song in particular is probably my favorite by Yellowcard. The chorus of this song, though very simple, speaks volumes, especially to me. It just repeats the phrase, "Everything is gonna be alright" three times then says, "Be strong. Believe." While simple, it stands out to me. If I am ever having a bad day (which has been happening more often than not lately, sadly), I just listen to this song, and it makes me feel better. Everything will be alright, I just have to be strong and believe it. I try so hard to live like this. I wish I did it more often.

2. I Am Understood by Relient K. This is my favorite band, and has been since probably elementary school. I have seen them 3 times in concert, and I can't wait to see them more. The writer of this song talks about how there is one person, God, who understands him completely, and loves him even though He knows him. I think I have a few favorite lines from this song. This first is this: "Your love regardless of the mistakes I make will spoil me." The writer talks about how he is so loved by God, that despite the things he does that are wrong, he is still loved just the same, and he is spoiled in that love. I compare it to a kid who is so spoiled with toys and whatnot that he/she doesn't know what to do with them all. The writer is overwhelmed by the amount of love he feels from a God who loves him regardless of what he does. Another favorite line I have is, "And You recite my words right back to me, before I even speak. You let me know, I am understood." That's all most people really want, right? To have someone that they know understands them. The writer loves how God knows what he's going to say before he says it, and that He tells him he is understood. I love this. 

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