
Sunday, November 14, 2010

[Insert Clever Title]

This past week has been a blur almost. It seems like it just flew by, which I appreciate greatly.

On Tuesday, the PEGS Brazil group got to give their presentation of Brazil to the President and his Cabinet. It was nice to show the administration what we did in Brazil, and I like how they showed interest in our trip and our program.

Tuesday was a very busy day for me, as are most days. It seemed like I was always on the go, never getting a chance to stop and catch my breath.

Wednesday was a very relaxed day. I had class, then I did not do much afterwards.

Thursday I went to class, then I got to work on my research paper for sociology. I typed 2 pages, then went to Echo with some friends.

Friday I listened to President Papp give his presentation, then hung out with 2 of my friends in high school that came to KSU on a college visit. I got to introduce them to Phillip and Christie, and talk to them about the PEGS Program. We hung out all afternoon, then I went to the library to do a sociology test.

Saturday I woke up, did laundry, and watched the Auburn/Georgia game. I was going to go to the library, but it turns out the library closes at 6, so i just stayed in my dorm all evening, with the exception of going to the Hoot for about an hour. I managed to finish my sociology test, but not my paper.

That was my week in a nutshell. I just want this next week to be over. It seems like all of my big projects are due all together, with each professor thinking their project/test/paper is most important.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Enter Laughing

This is the title of my high school's One Act Play. I came home this weekend to see them perform their show in a regional competition. I spent my Friday at the Springer Opera House, watching them and the other 5 competing schools. After the shows, the judges had to deliberate. I was there with a fellow alum who was also involved in theater while we were in high school, and we were both really nervous for our school, because only the winning school would go on to compete in the State competition the next weekend. We ended up winning region, which was awesome. Our school has a history of winning the region competition, but this year was different because there were 2 other schools that both had really great shows as well. It was a great day of great theater, along with seeing some friends that i hadn't seen in a long time, so that was good.

Ok, now for a recap since Brazil.

Getting back was really nice. I loved my bed, shower, and American food. I loved getting to see my friends again, and being back in my normal routine. All of my friends were so eager to hear what I did in Brazil and how my trip was. I think i talked about Brazil for the next week (and I am still talking about it). Going to class wasn't fun, just because we had all not been to class in about 2 weeks. I think I am just ready for the semester to be over. I do enjoy my classes and such, I just am ready for it to be over :)