
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Introduction: Let's Try This Again

     I already had this blog because of my BUSA1000 class last fall, but I posted very rarely and because it was a requirement for the class.

     I have to say that the main reason I you are reading this now is because of my twin/girl version of myself/good friend Tracey Cordle (check out her blog at!). She has a successful blog of her own, and I figured, "Hey, we're the same person, maybe I can have a successful blog too!" Tracey posts on her blog, and then talk about it with her friends, which makes them want to check it out. After a lot of talking about/reading Tracey's blog, I decided that I should get my old blog up and running again.

     I may not be very good at it, but secretly, one of my hobbies is writing. I love to write. I'm not at a skill level to where I can write music, but writing is fun to me. Growing up, my sister and I would write short stories and children's "novels" (very short novels) quite often. I wish I kept those so I could go back and look at them now. Even writing essays/papers in high school and now college is not that big of a deal to me because I get to write. It may be research over a topic I don't find enjoyable, or it may be over a book I haven't read, but I'm writing.

     One thing that in particular that my dad (it's actually his birthday today. Happy birthday, dad!) has said to me that I remember most was this: we were riding in the car together, talking about J.K. Rowling, and how I think she is an incredible woman and author. My dad looks over to me and says, "You know, you could do that too. I've seen some of the things you've written, and you can do it too." It was so weird to me. I did not know that my dad had ever read anything I had written, but he had. And he liked it too. That could just be him being my dad and saying nice things because he has to, but it could also be one of those genuine "I really believe this" kind of things. I'm choosing to go with the latter.

     With that being said, I am not looking to become the next J.K. Rowling. It is just nice to have the confidence of my dad, especially with something I am putting on the internet to represent me to (hopefully) a good number of people.

1 comment:

  1. So honored to have inspired you :) and I'm excited to know we share a passion for writing! Not that it's any surprise... I mean, who would of thought we'd have something in common?!
