
Friday, December 3, 2010

Baked Ziti!

I haven't posted in a few weeks, so I have a lot to catch up on.

I am completely done with school for the semester, with the exception of finals. This is a fantastic feeling. I am ready for this semester to be over with. Not because I am not enjoying it, I am just ready for the Christmas season and all that it brings, including a month at home not having to worry about anything school-related.

The obscure title comes from having dinner with 4 friends from high school, 2 of which I had not really talked to in awhile. It was really nice to be able to catch up with them for a few minutes. I have found that I have missed my high school friends a lot more than I thought I would. It makes spending time with them that much more special. This is another reason I am so ready for the holidays. It will (hopefully) mean spending a lot of time connecting with friends that I do not get to see very often anymore.

I really have loved this semester, and I am so thankful for the opportunity to have gotten to spend it with such great people. Some of my best friends here at Kennesaw I have met through PEGS. Classes were classes. There were certainly some ups and some downs, but that is expected. Each teacher had a completely different personality and teaching style, and with that brought mixed feelings. I preferred some teachers over others, but I made sure to absorb everything they taught, regardless of personal feelings. I am beginning to see the world differently, and I am incorporating the things I was taught into my everyday life, and I credit that to my professors, and I thank them for a great semester.

Next semester will definitely be different. For one thing, I won't be in PEGS classes, although most of the Brazil PEGS are in a lot of the same classes. That will be nice to see some familiar faces everyday. It will also be different because, other than the Friday meetings, there won't be any other time during the week when all of the PEGS are together. We are used to seeing each other at least 2x a week now in KSU 1111, but next semester won't be like that. I am, however, excited about getting into my Gen. Ed. This means that I am that much closer to getting to apply for my major, and getting to take those classes. This is very exciting, as I am so ready to begin learning about what all it takes to be a History Teacher, something I cannot wait to do.

So after rambling for awhile, I have completed this entry. I know this was less of a recap and more of a reflection, and I think that's ok.


1 comment:

  1. So glad you enjoyed this first term! You are "off on the right foot!" Yeah!

    Best wishes to you on transitioning into semester #2! I was really pleased to have you in my class and in this great.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!
