
Monday, January 9, 2012

I had a better post, but I deleted it

I just wrote a really good post about a topic that could cause a lot of controversy, but I decided not to post it. I decided it should remain one of those topics that I post if I ever feel the need to. So, instead of a really good, really thought-provoking, possibly debate-producing post, I'm going to post a cliche one about the first day of classes, and how much back-and-forth I do when it comes to deciding whether or not I am excited about it.

I like that classes are starting back. Classes = schedule, and having a routine schedule suites me well. I like knowing that my day is planned out for me based on obligations I have. I like that it will soon become familiar to me. Familiar is good.

I don't like that classes are starting back. With familiar routines comes the mundane, the "going through the motions" attitude. That is something I regrettably have gotten caught up in too many times in school, and something I am going to try to avoid this semester (Just being honest, I say that every semester.) How much weight does me saying that hold? Ask me in about 6 or 7 weeks, when I'm just about half-way through the semester, and I'm ready for Spring Break and the end of the semester.

I like that classes are starting back. I am taking 4 of my Major courses this semester, and 2 other very interesting classes. As far as content goes, I am so ready for it. I want to learn everything I can in these 6 classes so that I can be the best teacher for my students. These topics are interesting to me, so I want to go to class so I can learn. I'm one of those weird kids who actually likes learning.

I don't like that classes are starting back. This past semester, I had a teacher who I disliked a lot. She just about ruined American history for me (not completely, though). I just hate that when someone is so passionate, so interested in a subject, and they get a professor who clearly doesn't like teaching the material. It puts such a damper on the whole class. I have looked up most of my professors on, and it seems that I have good ones, but that's just a website, and it's just other people's opinions. I hope I have professors who challenge me to grow as a student and as a person, who push me to my fullest potential, and make me realize that this is all worth it.

See what I mean? I go back and forth on whether or not I want classes to start back. I hate having to get up early, but I kind of want to make myself more of a morning person (clearly, I'm currently a night owl). I'm left with the pros outweigh the cons, I think. No, I know. Welcome to just a piece of my mind.

I guess my cliche post turned into one not-so-cliche, just a few paragraphs where I ramble about what's going on in my brain right now.

If you've made it this far, thanks for reading!


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