
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Taking a Look Back at the Past 5 Months

At the end of each semester, I like to take a look back to see just all that I experienced: the people, the places, the events, etc.

My life changed more in these past 5 months than it has in most of my life prior to this time. The main reason for this is because I'm an RA. It is definitely a different world from being a regular resident on a college campus. I met so many people that have changed my life for the better. One group of people are the RA's that I work with. Who know a group of people could have such an impact on a life? Each RA that I have had the chance to get to know has had some kind of positive effect on my life, even if they don't realize it. I couldn't imagine spending the majority of my waking hours (which were most of my hours) with any other group of people.

Another group of people that changed my life this semester are my fraternity brothers. This was my first full semester as a brother of Phi Sigma Pi. I learned so much about myself through experiences with them, and I am beyond thankful for the knowledge that has helped me realize what kind of person I've been and what kind of person I wanted to be.

I realized early into the semester that I really liked geography. I'm a very visual learner, so maps and such help me learn material so much better. I took a basic geography class this semester, and I loved it. I do owe a lot of this to my professor. He taught in a way that made me want to learn. I took the 4th test in the class (out of 4) when I didn't even have to (we took 4 tests, he dropped the lowest. I had an A after the first 3 tests) just to prove that I had learned the material. When I came to KSU, I wanted to be a French minor (I love the language and want to be fluent one day), but after a semester of a sub-par French class and an excellent geography class, I have decided to change my minor to Geography, and teach that alongside American History at some high school in Georgia (CHS, perhaps?).

This semester, every day and every event that happened taught me something. I had a wake-up call or two, of which I am so thankful for. People I've met and events I've experienced have taught me not to take things too seriously, the importance of being a good friend, to never give up, and many more important life lessons.

If I had the choice to go back a relive these past 5 months, there are parts I could live everyday for the rest of my life, and parts I'd rather not revisit. But through it all, I don't regret a thing, for everything I have been though has changed me and made me who I am now.

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