
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"You should go with both"

It's been awhile since my last post, and a lot of stuff has happened.

I'll start of with the RSL retreat I mentioned I was going to go on. It was an incredible weekend and I met a lot of great people. The UVS council got together and came up with some really good ideas, and I got a lot of good advice from the VP of RHA about what a VP is and does. Overall it was a really good weekend.

Last Wednesday, a man from Brazil named Marinho came and spoke to the PEGS Brazil students about Brazil because we are going there in less than a month. It was a really good presentation in which I received a lot of good information about Brazil. I am SO ready to go to Brazil now. Less than a month!

Last Thursday, I got an unexpected call from home, and needed to go home as soon as I could last weekend to be with my family. Come Friday evening, I wasn't able to find a ride home (because I have no car, so am unable to drive home), so I thought I wasn't going to be able to get home. Friday night, my friends Kelly, Sarah, Olivia, and Chloe had a movie night and a bunch of people came over to watch Shutter Island. My friend Wes was there and he said he had to go home to stay with his brother. He was leaving around 10:45, and someone asked him where he lived. He said Fayetteville, which is halfway between Kennesaw and Columbus. That's ironic because Friday afternoon my sister told me that she would come get me halfway, if I could just get there. I ran out into the hall and called my sister to let her know, then called Wes (cause he had already left Kelly's dorm) and asked him if I could go home with him for the night. He said yea, and I packed really fast and left KSU around 11, headed for Fayetteville. [insert here: Wes Lambert is incredible. We had a  good ride down to Fayetteville and a good time getting to know one another better. That's all haha] My sister came and picked me up Saturday morning and we went home.

I had a good weekend home, and God resolved the situation that was so pressing that I come home. I got to go to church to see my church family, and I spent Saturday evening at my cousin's house with my family, so it was a good weekend. My cousin let me borrow a TV that was at his fire station not being used. So now in my dorm I have a TV, all thanks to my cousin, Jimbo Harper. Thanks Jimbo!

This weekend is an exciting one. I get to go to NC my family, where we used to live while my dad went to seminary, so I am excited to go see my friends from NC.

That's all for now!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

"Are you guys dating?"

So I chose that question for the title of this blog because that is the question Anna and I have gotten asked most this week. Anna and I went to high school together, and are in the same Learning Community (PEGS), meaning that we have all the same classes this semester. Because of this, we spend quite a lot of time together, and have gotten really close through that. We have a lot of the same friends, mainly because of a friend that Anna knew before coming to KSU, Fred, who knows everyone. Fred leads worship for House Church, a RSO that takes place every Tuesday night at 8pm, in various places around campus. Anna and I have been going to House Church every week, and through HC we have met some of the most incredible people ever created. Whenever we see the people we have met around campus, we're usually together, so when people see one of us, they see the other one. This has led people to ask us the question, "Are you guys dating?". After we laugh and say no to that question, we get "So you're brother and sister, right?" We just laugh again and tell everyone we're just best friends who happen to be in the same Learning Community.

So there's my schpeel on the reason for my title, now on to what's been going on this week.

Since last Friday, a lot of things have happened, one of those things being my 19th birthday. I was at home for my birthday, so I was able to spend it with my friends and family, which was really nice. My birthday was on a Sunday, so I went to church like usual. After church we grilled out burgers and hot dogs, which were really good. A family close to ours, the Williams', came over for lunch as well, so it was good to share part of my birthday with them.

When I got back to KSU, my friends Hannah Peele, Hannah McClure, and Anna Rogers had cooked lasagna and baked cupcakes for me for my birthday. The food was incredible and we had a great time just hanging out and eating good food.

Also in the past week were Community Council Elections for the University Village Suites. I was running for Vice President against a guy that I sort of knew through my friend, Keira Schrader. I was pretty sure he won because he just seemed a lot more confident than I was and seemed to have more friends in the room at the time of the voting. Wrong haha. I won! When I got the email about my victory the next night, I was so excited. I called my friend Gillian and just started yelling "I won! I won!" haha. My day was pretty rough, so for it to end on that note was pretty awesome. Because I won the election, I now have the privilege of going on a Resident Student Leadership Retreat this coming weekend with all of the other officers from the various Resident halls around campus. I really looking forward to it and it will definitely be in my next post.

That's all for now, look for another post next week!

Friday, September 3, 2010

It's Friday...I should post a new entry

Yea, that's what I said as I found my way to my blog. It's the end of the week, and I am supposed to be posting once a week, so here's a post.

I've been at Kennesaw State for 3 weeks now, and it's been incredible. I've met so many people, and they're all great. The PEGS (President's Emerging Global Scholars) Brazil students are really starting to get to know one another, and we're all becoming good friends. I think Brazil is going to be an excellent trip. We have 2 classes with the Mexico group, so we have been  getting to know them too. I think that the PEGS group as a whole is forming into one big PEGS family, and it's great.

I am beginning to get involved on campus. I attend a Bible study called House Church every Tuesday night, with a bunch of my friends. I am really glad that Anna Rogers told me about it, because it's incredible. I also attend Echo every Thursday night at North Metro Church. Apart from the various campus ministries I attend, I am also running for University Village Suites Community Council Vice President. The UVSCC is a council of students living in the suites who act as a go-between for the other residents and the people who work at ResLife. I am looking forward to the elections on Tuesday, and I hope all of my friends come out and vote for me.

That's all for this post. Look for another post next week!
