
Friday, September 3, 2010

It's Friday...I should post a new entry

Yea, that's what I said as I found my way to my blog. It's the end of the week, and I am supposed to be posting once a week, so here's a post.

I've been at Kennesaw State for 3 weeks now, and it's been incredible. I've met so many people, and they're all great. The PEGS (President's Emerging Global Scholars) Brazil students are really starting to get to know one another, and we're all becoming good friends. I think Brazil is going to be an excellent trip. We have 2 classes with the Mexico group, so we have been  getting to know them too. I think that the PEGS group as a whole is forming into one big PEGS family, and it's great.

I am beginning to get involved on campus. I attend a Bible study called House Church every Tuesday night, with a bunch of my friends. I am really glad that Anna Rogers told me about it, because it's incredible. I also attend Echo every Thursday night at North Metro Church. Apart from the various campus ministries I attend, I am also running for University Village Suites Community Council Vice President. The UVSCC is a council of students living in the suites who act as a go-between for the other residents and the people who work at ResLife. I am looking forward to the elections on Tuesday, and I hope all of my friends come out and vote for me.

That's all for this post. Look for another post next week!


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