
Sunday, October 3, 2010

"I don't have a sermon planned, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night"

My dad said that from the pulpit last Sunday at my old church in North Carolina. Yep. It happened. But it was my idea. Not to say it, but I said he could say that, but just jokingly. I didn't really want him to say that on Sunday.

We went to North Carolina as a family, and the church got rooms for us at the Holiday Inn Express. My dad, my brother Collin, and I were headed to dinner Friday night with one of my dad's friends and that saying popped into my head, so I jokingly told him he should say that on Sunday, but I didn't expect him to. He gave me credit for it though :)

As for my weekend in North Carolina, it was incredible. I'm going to write about what I did.

I woke up at 8 on Friday morning and got ready to go. My family got here around 9:15, and they all came up to my dorm. It was really early on a Friday, so most people were still asleep, including my roommate. They were quiet and didn't wake him up though.

We left Kennesaw, and I rode with my sisters Ashley and Megan. With the three of us in the car, I knew it would be an interesting trip. We talked, listened to music, and told fun stories :) It was a good trip to NC.

Friday night, my dad, brother, and I went to dinner with my dad's friend and his son. We went to Fujisan. It was so good. I love Japanese. Afterwards, we went to his house and watched Avatar, because the three of us hadn't seen it. I had heard it was horrible, so I went in with those expectations, but I really liked it. It was very different from anything I had seen before and I liked the creation of a new world and species. After the movie was over, my dad took me over to my best friend's house for the night. One of our other really good friends, Olivia, was there, waiting for me to get there, but she had to leave right when I got there because she had to be home at 12 and it was 11:45 when i got there. We followed her to her house because her dad wanted us to. We ended up hanging out at her house until 130, just talking. My best friend Jesse and I went back to his house and stayed awake until 5. That's pretty normal for us though.

Saturday, Jesse, Olivia, two of my other good friends Chris and Jessica, and I went to lunch. Olivia though it was going to be awkward because her and Chris dated and he broke up with her, but it wasn't. I rarely get to see all of them, so it was good to have lunch and catch up. We swapped college stories, and it was very clear to me that I was having the best experience and was attending the best college. After lunch, I went back to the hotel for a bit then headed with the family to the house of a family who we had become really good friends with while we lived there, for a pig pickin'. A lot of the people we were close to at the church were there and it was a really good time. After the pig pickin', the 5 of us kids, my brother's girlfriend, Caitlin, and a few other people went over to a friend's to watch football.

Sunday was church. We got to see a lot of the people we left behind in Durham, so that was good. They were so glad to have us back for church. It was like we had never left. My dad preached, said the infamous line, and we had lunch, Southern Baptist style. There's nothing better than a Southern Baptist Sunday lunch :)

After lunch, Ashley, Caitlin, and I left to return home. Ashley and I had class Monday, and Caitlin had work. The trip went pretty well, with the exception of the rain. I got back to K'saw and continued college life.

Being in North Carolina for the weekend was so awesome. I loved every second of it, and I was thankful for the opportunity to go back.

This past week was nothing short of difficult. With Brazil fast approaching and me being without a VISA and some of the requirement for a VISA, I was a little worried as to how everything would turn out. I got my VISA with minor complications, and the day went great. I am mostly ready for BRAZIL in THIRTEEN days!

I went home this past weekend for a wedding. I got to see friends that I hadn't seen in awhile, and that was good. The wedding was nice, and I saw people I had not seen in several years because the bride and her family have been friends of ours since as long as I can remember. I enjoyed being home, but I am glad to be back in Kennesaw :)

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