
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

10 Day Challenge - Intro and Day 1: 10 Secrets

In order to get into a better habit of blogging, I have decided to do a blog challenge. I looked on the Internet for a 30-day challenge that I could do over the month of November, but there weren't any that I liked enough to stick with for 30 days. My friend Tracey ( is currently in the middle of this blog challenge, so that is where I got the idea for this one.

Take a journey with me over the next 10 days as I complete the 10 Days YOU Challenge!

Day 1: 10 Secrets
These won't actually be so much secrets as they are just things about me that you may not know. Secrets are meant to be kept, not shared on a blog for everyone on the Internet to see! :)

(these are in no particular order, just however I come up with them!)

1. If there is one thing that I put my everything into, it's friendships. When it comes to my friends, there are few people that come before them in my life. I'm there for my friends no matter what. Relationships are too important to me to not do right. Go big or go home.

2. I said this in one of my previous posts, but writing is something I love doing. I may not be great at it, but that's no reason not to do it.

3. Sometimes I wonder whether or not I want to be a teacher. I go back and forth with myself about doing something else. But then something will happen, or I'll get reminded of something, and it'll make me remember that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life.

4. Music is such a big part of my life. I'm not too experienced in it, but I do love what I know. I can just about  find that one song that describes every situation, and that makes me feel better about said situation (if it's a bad one).

5. There have been several times in the last year and a half that I wished I was still in high school. I then realize that it's not so much high school that I miss, it's just my friends and how close we all were back then.

6. With that being said, I miss theater so much. The years of high school that I spent in the CHS auditorium were the best, and I wouldn't trade them for anything. I'd love to get involved somehow with KSU theater.

7. I hate to say it, but although most of my life is in Columbus, and that's where I grew up, home to me is Kennesaw, at least it will be for the next 5 years or so. Columbus just isn't the same anymore. Kennesaw is where I feel at home.

8. I carved my very first pumpkin tonight, accompanied by my friends Carina, Matt, and Jaime. They were amazed that I had never carved one before, so I carved Carina's miniature pumpkin before staff meeting. Below is a picture of said pumpkin.

9. When Twitter first came out, I thought it was the stupidest thing ever. "Just a bunch of Facebook statuses, that's all it is," is what I used to think it was. Not anymore. I am an avid tweeter, and you should follow me if you don't already!

10. I usually hate making lists like this. It's difficult to me to find things to talk about that people will actually care about reading. I think this list was different, and I hope you enjoyed reading it!


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