
Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 5: 6 Places

1. Columbus, Georgia. It's where I was born, and where I spent most of my life growing up. Most of my friends are from here, and it's where I have most of my memories. It's also where I went to high school and where my parents live. I feel like because of these reasons that it should be the first on this list.

2. Paris, France. It is definitely the place I want to travel to more than anywhere else. I love the French language, and now that I feel I know enough to have a basic conversation and get around town, I so badly want to go.

3. Salvador, Brazil. I went here last October with my PEGS group, and it was one of the best trips I've ever been on. It was so much fun, I bonded with my PEGS group, and I was able to experience Brazil, something I feel most people don't get to do.

4. Durham, North Carolina. I spent 3 and a half years here, and they were some of the best years. I made so many friends, many of whom I still talk to now. I can't wait until the next time I get to go back (hopefully this summer!)

5. Boston, Massachusetts. I've never been here, but being a history ed. major, I want to go so bad. There is just too much American history to not feel the need to visit. So many important things happened in Boston.

6. Kennesaw, Georgia. Obvious choice. It's my home now. My school is here, most of the people I talk to on an everyday basis are here. This is where my life is for the next few years.

Thanks for reading!

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