
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 2: 9 Loves

1. I know I mentioned this in my previous blog, but I really do love my friends. I am 100% the person who would literally do anything I could to help them out, make their lives better, whatever. I hate to see a friend (or anyone, really) in a bad mood, upset by something, etc., so if I can make their day better, I want to. Clearly, my friendships mean the world to me.

2. I love my job. A lot people have terrible experiences either as an RA or with their RA, so the job title of RA gets a terrible reputation, but I love it. I love everything about it. ResLife is great. Through my job I have met literally some of my favorite people. My residents are really great, and I have a great staff. I don't even mind being on duty every now and then (like right now!). This really is the best job a person can have while in college, especially here at KSU.

3. I love driving, and I hate that I haven't had access to a car to just drive whenever I want to. I love solo drives and drives with a friend or two. Road trips are the bomb. If it's a solo drive, you can bet that the radio/iPod is turned up loud and I'm singing at the top of my lungs. If it's a drive with a friend or two, I feel like those are the best times to have a really good conversation. You're sitting next to each other and can't go anywhere. What else are you going to do?

4. Speaking of that, I love a really good conversation. I could talk to a person for hours if the conversation is good. I love learning things about my friends and just spending time with them. To me, a good conversation with a friend could be the best therapy anyone could get, and it's free. Talking things out makes you feel so much better, and it's great to have someone to talk it out with.

(This is a shout-out for Caitlin and Staci!)

5. I love to travel. Not just by car, but by plane, train, boat, etc., as well. I love to go to places I've never been before. I went to Brazil last October with PEGS, and I LOVED it. I just want to travel.

6. I love coffee. Growing up, I always loved the smell, but never really liked it. I never even drank Starbucks. I grew to love Starbucks in high school, and I drink their coffee way too much. Also, I usually have a cup of Folgers Special Roast every morning before classes, if I have the time. There's not much that can't be talked about/solved/discussed (can you tell I love to talk to people?) over a cup of coffee :)

7. I love Italian food. Carrabbas, Olive Garden, and Johnny Carino's are some of my favorite restaurants. I love lasagna, spaghetti, tortellini, and all other types of pasta. I want to go to Italy just for the food.

8. I have began a recent love for art. I think taking Humanities in high school sparked the interest. I am taking Ar t1107 next semester, and I'm really excited about it. I really want to adorn my walls with really cool pieces of artwork, but I can't afford that right now. Soon, though.

9. I love a good quote. I love words, and I wish I was better at using them to sum of what I wanted to say. I love when I find an instance where someone has said what I wanted to say so much better than I could have.

I hope you enjoyed just a few things that I love! Care to comment? Leave it in the box below! Thanks for reading!


1 comment:

  1. This is so cool, Cameron! I never would have known you liked coffee! I drink it every morning before class, too. I feel like I can't function without it. I also relate to the Italian food thing. If nothing else, I want to go to Italy for some authentic cuisine. I can't help it. I made my parents take me to Olive Garden when they came to visit me. I could really write a ton here but I don't want to overload with my comments but I ve your blog and I loved reading these things about you! Keep writing! :)
