
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 4: 7 Wants

1. A car. I know this makes me sound like a superficial teenager, but I want a car. There are those days when you just need to get away from it all for a little while and drive somewhere, but I can't do that, at least not right now.

2. To be a really good teacher. I've had those teachers that have really made a difference in my life because of their class, and I really hope that I can pay it forward by having a lasting impression on the lives of my students.

3. To become fluent in French. I love the language, and I want to be able to speak it fluently. If anyone has any suggestions on how to do this (other than take classes in college), please let me know. I wanted to minor in French, but the French department here at KSU really annoys me, so I don't think I can take another semester of it.

4. To not have to worry about money. I've lived my whole life having to be extremely conscious of how much I/my parents had and had to watch what I spent, especially in college. I'd just like to not have to do that. I wouldn't go crazy with buying things, I would just buy what I needed and maybe a little extra.

5. To travel. Mainly to Europe, but everywhere else as well. I've been to Brazil, and it was amazing. I want to see what the rest of the world has to offer.

6. To know with confidence that I'm doing a good job. I feel like with my job, I am doing everything that I am supposed to be doing, I just want to know I'm doing a good job at it. I'd hate to be a student here at KSU and not be an RA. It'd just be too weird.

7. To see every band/artist that I want to in concert. I'm going to the Yellowcard concert on Tuesday with 2 of my fellow fourks (Jessie and Danielle!), and I am so excited. I want to make a list of bands/artists to see live, and then go see them.

Thanks for reading!

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