
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

"Do good." "Don't you mean do well?" "No, I mean do good."

I just wanted to start with one of my favorite quotes from my favorite show of all time, Boy Meets World. I had a 4+ hour marathon this past Friday, and it was awesome. I love that show so much.

You know that feeling you get when just about everything goes right? And even when a thing or two goes wrong, you're on such a high from the good things that the bad things don't seem to matter? Yea. That was my Thanksgiving break.

The weeks leading up to the break were some of the worst of the semester. I was so ready for the break, that when it finally came, I felt so relaxed and ready for it. I'm pretty sure that when I saw the sign telling me that I was in Columbus, this wave of peacefulness hit me, and it stayed with me all week. It just felt so good to be back at home, in the place where I grew up and I knew was a safe-haven from everything that had been going on. During those few weeks prior to the break, KSU, to me, had this aura of negativity and debbie-downerness to it that I just had to get away.

But I definitely do not want that to be the focus of this post. This one is all positive :)

My break was absolutely wonderful. It actually started on the ride home. One of my best friends from high school who also goes to ksu, Keira Schrader, gave me a ride home. It was nice to catch up and talk about life, because we hadn't seen each other in so long. She gave me some really good perspective on some things, and I really enjoyed talking to her for a little while. Upon arriving home, I walked in the door and was greeted with the smell of my mom cooking dinner. I love home-cooked meals, especially those cooked by my mom. No one cooks better than she does. After eating dinner and watching Jeopardy with my parents (yes, we are that family), I went camping with some of the best people I know: my growth group. Outside from getting together every week our senior year in high school, I hadn't hung out with all of them together since we all graduated. It was so nice to reconnect as a group and spend some time together cooking, talking, and riding four-wheelers, especially in the rain. It was here that the peacefulness hit so hard. Just being out in the woods, away from the city and whatnot, with my best friends was exactly what I needed to bring me back to a positive, good-mood mindset.

Wednesday I got home from camping around 8, went to sleep around 9, and slept until 3:30. Mom got home from work almost 2 hours later and cooked again. Two home-cooked meals 2 nights in a row?! A college kid couldn't ask for much more than that. Even better was the fact that most of my family was home that night. My younger brother didn't have an away game (like the previous night) so he was home, one of my sisters had come in from Macon that day, so she was home, and my brother and his wife came over for dinner, so they were there. I hadn't seen any of my family since the wedding, so it was nice to be back around the Yarbrough dinner table with them again. After dinner I went to a friend's house for a bonfire. It was also really awesome. My friend group from high school (named by others the "Mafia") was all there and back together again. It felt like old times. We all sat around the fire and reconnected with each other for a few hours. Definitely an evening well spent.

Turkey day! Except not really, because my mom had to work and my sister was supposed to work. Nothing significant happened that day really, I just watched some football and Netflix (Teen Wolf is now streaming live, enough said). After dinnertime, my family went over to my sister-in-law's parent's house for dessert and just hanging out. It was a lot of fun. Our families are both very family-oriented, so we meshed well together. I played Corn Hole for the first time and it was fun! I didn't do too well, but Caitlin's brother-in-law and I won 2 games out of 3 against my brother and his nephew.

Friday was the of Boy Meets World! After a wonderfully delicious grilled steak dinner prepared by my dad, I went to a friend's house for several hours of the greatest show ever produced: Boy Meets World. We started with season 5 (the start of Senior year), and after watching all of it, we skipped to season 7 (college). I love this show. I wish I owned all of the seasons so I could watch them whenever I wanted (or that they would be on Netflix). Such a great TV show. I don't know how many shows I could just sit and watch for literally 4+ straight hours.

Saturday was Turkey day for real! And football day! The spirit of the fall season was summed up in this one day: football and Thanksgiving. First it was my Dawgs versus those nerds from Tech. Even though it's not a conference match, this is definitely one of the most important games of the season for the Dawgs. It was a good game, and my Dawgs pulled out the W ("We still run this state!"). Before/during Thanksgiving dinner was the Auburn/Alabama game, the Iron Bowl. My entire immediate family loves Auburn, so this game is always a cause for commotion around the Yarbrough house. I didn't care how the game ended up, but Alabama won. No surprise there. After dinner we went to get our Christmas tree! I LOVE Christmas time, but I do wait until Thanksgiving is over before getting into the Christmas spirit. Now that we had had Thanksgiving dinner, it was Christmas time. It's Yarbrough family tradition for 5 of us kids to scope out the trees and find their favorite, then my parents decide which one they like best. I'm a usual front runner for favorite tree, but my sister's won this year. It's a good tree though, so it's ok that she won. Our house now smells like Christmas (which smells like a Christmas tree, by the way), and I love it. I can't wait to go back home to be surrounded by everything Christmas.

Sunday! My last day at home for the break. I had been looking forward to Sunday for about a week or 2 before the break. After church, I met my 2 life-long best friends for lunch. When I say life-long, that's literal. The 3 of us have literally grown up together, and I love them so much. It's always so good when the 3 of us get together because we always pick up right where we left off. We had such a great time together, and I can't wait until I can see them again. Lunch with them was the perfect way to end my break.

If your break wasn't as good, I'm sorry. I hope it was, but I understand if it wasn't. Mine was tough to beat. Take the remainder of this week and strive to make it as best as possible! Thanks for reading!


My glasses kinda ruined the picture, but I love my best friends!

My brothers and me at the Christmas tree farm

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