
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Taking a Look Back at the Past 5 Months

At the end of each semester, I like to take a look back to see just all that I experienced: the people, the places, the events, etc.

My life changed more in these past 5 months than it has in most of my life prior to this time. The main reason for this is because I'm an RA. It is definitely a different world from being a regular resident on a college campus. I met so many people that have changed my life for the better. One group of people are the RA's that I work with. Who know a group of people could have such an impact on a life? Each RA that I have had the chance to get to know has had some kind of positive effect on my life, even if they don't realize it. I couldn't imagine spending the majority of my waking hours (which were most of my hours) with any other group of people.

Another group of people that changed my life this semester are my fraternity brothers. This was my first full semester as a brother of Phi Sigma Pi. I learned so much about myself through experiences with them, and I am beyond thankful for the knowledge that has helped me realize what kind of person I've been and what kind of person I wanted to be.

I realized early into the semester that I really liked geography. I'm a very visual learner, so maps and such help me learn material so much better. I took a basic geography class this semester, and I loved it. I do owe a lot of this to my professor. He taught in a way that made me want to learn. I took the 4th test in the class (out of 4) when I didn't even have to (we took 4 tests, he dropped the lowest. I had an A after the first 3 tests) just to prove that I had learned the material. When I came to KSU, I wanted to be a French minor (I love the language and want to be fluent one day), but after a semester of a sub-par French class and an excellent geography class, I have decided to change my minor to Geography, and teach that alongside American History at some high school in Georgia (CHS, perhaps?).

This semester, every day and every event that happened taught me something. I had a wake-up call or two, of which I am so thankful for. People I've met and events I've experienced have taught me not to take things too seriously, the importance of being a good friend, to never give up, and many more important life lessons.

If I had the choice to go back a relive these past 5 months, there are parts I could live everyday for the rest of my life, and parts I'd rather not revisit. But through it all, I don't regret a thing, for everything I have been though has changed me and made me who I am now.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Pet Peeves, and What to Do About Them

Everyone has pet peeves. Those things that other people do that just annoy the heck out of you. What one person might not see as a big deal might be a huge deal to you, and vice versa. Don't you just hate how that works out? Your best friend might do the one thing that gets on your nerves most, and they don't see it as annoying/bad/whatever. Most people have a hard time understanding that we do things that annoy the heck out of other people. Why does it have to work like that? I just really wish that everyone's pet peeves were the same, so no one would annoy anyone else, but that's not how things work.

This blog idea was brought up because lately it seems like the world just wants to completely annoy me, and decide that the people around me are going to do all of the things that annoy me most in the world, and I don't like it (hence the reason they are pet peeves).

Because we all have pet peeves, I'm sure some of you could relate to mine. Then again, some of you could read my list (see below) and think "those are stupid things to get annoyed over," and I'm ok with that, because I'm sure I could say the same thing about some of yours. We're all different, so we don't think the same way about things.

And now, to give you an insight into my brain and the way I see things, I'll list a few of my pet peeves:

1. One of the easiest ways that I get annoyed is when I am driving, and I get stuck in traffic or get stuck behind someone who clearly can't drive. With the traffic thing, I just don't understand it sometimes. If the people in front would just drive, and everyone behind them, and behind them, and so on, there would be no traffic (unless there's a wreck, but I'm usually too mad/frustrated by the time I discover there has been a wreck to be calm). Sometimes I wish that whenever I had to be somewhere, especially on a road trip or whatever, that all other cars would not be on the road (I just realized how self-centered that sounds, but I'm sure you've thought it too), especially people who can't drive. I'm sorry, but grandma/grandpa, if it's rush hour, you shouldn't be on the road if you can't drive somewhere between 5-10 miles over the speed limit. I hate to be heartless, but that's the way it is. I know some people are just trying to be safe and follow the speed limit, but you are doing more harm by driving 10mph under what everyone else is doing.

2. A second way to annoy me is lying. Mostly everyone does it every now and then, but it's annoying when people do it, especially to me (self-centeredness again, but that's kind of the theme of this post...) Don't lie to me. I would have so much more respect for a person if they just told me the truth, even if it would hurt, rather than spare my feelings and lie. I am going to find out, and it's just going to make me really mad and upset that I trusted you. Lying to anyone at all just isn't worth it. So don't do it. Tell the truth next time.

3. When someone doesn't text you back. Hear me out on this one, because there are conditions. If you text someone, and you're having a conversation, and then for some reason, they just stop without warning, that's annoying. Your phone is in your hands if we're having a conversation, so I know you read my text. Why not just respond? If someone doesn't text back after you texting them just once, that's ok. They may be at work, or sleeping, or whatever. But respond eventually, even if it's just to say, "Hey, sorry I didn't text back, I was..." I may sound like someone who is just complaining, but really, if you're in high school or college, there's a good chance that you're phone is on your person at all times (I know mine is). Why ignore a text? That person obviously thought enough of you to text you, so text them back.

4. Stupidity. Listen to directions. Pay attention in class, or don't ask questions later. Pay attention to rules. I feel like this one doesn't need much explanation. I don't know of anyone who just loves being around people who are stupid.

Those are most of my pet peeves. But I'm not done.

Because my blog is titled "Working on Positivity," I want to talk about how I can use situations where these things happen as a learning experience and become a better person through it. I know that I have very little patience, and that most of these pet peeves revolve around me getting impatient with other people. It's definitely a personal matter, and I know that God is trying so hard to teach me patience. Traffic happens. There isn't a way around that, and most of the time it happens for a reason (construction, a wreck, etc.). It's selfish of me to only be thinking of myself in this situation, when people could be hurt. I really can't think of how to look at lying positively. I guess I could take it as a chance to give out a second chance at trusting the person, because I know I've been given many second chances by many people. When it comes to texting, I need to understand that people get busy. Something comes up to where they need to pause the conversation for a little while. This is the hardest to understand, for sure, but it can be a learning experience the next time it happens, I just have to remember that. People mishear things all the time, and I should know that sometimes people need things repeated, especially if it's work instructions or test material. They just want to be sure they have heard things correctly so they do a good job with whatever it is, or they have the correct material to study.

If you have ever experienced any of these things that I've done to you, I apologize. Feel free to call me out on them, because I make a conscious effort not to do them because I am annoyed when other people do them to me.

I challenge you do to the same thing. Make a list of all the things that annoy you, then look at how you can use them as a learning/growing experience. You'd be surprised at what you can teach yourself.

Thanks for reading,

Thursday, December 1, 2011

No Shave November

It's December now, so that means the annual tradition known as No Shave November is officially over for 2011.

For girls that love seeing facial hair on guys, this day is probably very sad, as guys across America will be shaving off the month-long growth of hair on their faces. But for girls that hate seeing facial hair, today is a good day, and one they have looked forward to since November 1st.

For the first time in my 20 years of life, I chose to participate in No Shave November. I don't have an official "Before" picture, but if you look either on my Facebook or at an earlier post on my blog, you can see a picture(s) of me with no facial hair. Boom. Before picture.

The picture seen below was taken on November 11th, as part of the 10 day blog challenge I completed earlier in the month.

There isn't much to see, but it was there. That was day 11.

The next picture was taken shortly after midnight on December 1st, the end of No Shave November.

There is not much of a difference, but it was a lot more than I was expecting in a month's time. I would also like to point out that when I looked at this picture before uploading it onto mt blog, it scared me because I realized just how much I look like my dad. Granted, he's 30 years older and doesn't have glasses, but I've been told all my life by people I knew and didn't know that I must be "Mike Yarbrough's son" because I look just like him. (Sidenote: I was approached by someone whom i did not know awhile back while I was out with my friends. This person, and I quote, said, "Excuse, me, are you Mike Yarbrough's son? You must be, because you look just like him." I wasn't even around my dad, but someone still said I looked like him.)

As I look back on the month, I am glad I participated in No Shave this year. For one, it saved me time in the morning because I didn't have to shave (which is normally something that happens daily for me). Also, I got so many compliments on my facial hair (with just a few naysayers), and was told how I looked so much older than 20 years old. I am pretty sure I want to keep it. I mean, I've let it grow for a month, why quit now?

So, reader, tell me: what do you think? I am interested to see how other people feel about this new look I'm trying out.

Thanks for reading,

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

"Do good." "Don't you mean do well?" "No, I mean do good."

I just wanted to start with one of my favorite quotes from my favorite show of all time, Boy Meets World. I had a 4+ hour marathon this past Friday, and it was awesome. I love that show so much.

You know that feeling you get when just about everything goes right? And even when a thing or two goes wrong, you're on such a high from the good things that the bad things don't seem to matter? Yea. That was my Thanksgiving break.

The weeks leading up to the break were some of the worst of the semester. I was so ready for the break, that when it finally came, I felt so relaxed and ready for it. I'm pretty sure that when I saw the sign telling me that I was in Columbus, this wave of peacefulness hit me, and it stayed with me all week. It just felt so good to be back at home, in the place where I grew up and I knew was a safe-haven from everything that had been going on. During those few weeks prior to the break, KSU, to me, had this aura of negativity and debbie-downerness to it that I just had to get away.

But I definitely do not want that to be the focus of this post. This one is all positive :)

My break was absolutely wonderful. It actually started on the ride home. One of my best friends from high school who also goes to ksu, Keira Schrader, gave me a ride home. It was nice to catch up and talk about life, because we hadn't seen each other in so long. She gave me some really good perspective on some things, and I really enjoyed talking to her for a little while. Upon arriving home, I walked in the door and was greeted with the smell of my mom cooking dinner. I love home-cooked meals, especially those cooked by my mom. No one cooks better than she does. After eating dinner and watching Jeopardy with my parents (yes, we are that family), I went camping with some of the best people I know: my growth group. Outside from getting together every week our senior year in high school, I hadn't hung out with all of them together since we all graduated. It was so nice to reconnect as a group and spend some time together cooking, talking, and riding four-wheelers, especially in the rain. It was here that the peacefulness hit so hard. Just being out in the woods, away from the city and whatnot, with my best friends was exactly what I needed to bring me back to a positive, good-mood mindset.

Wednesday I got home from camping around 8, went to sleep around 9, and slept until 3:30. Mom got home from work almost 2 hours later and cooked again. Two home-cooked meals 2 nights in a row?! A college kid couldn't ask for much more than that. Even better was the fact that most of my family was home that night. My younger brother didn't have an away game (like the previous night) so he was home, one of my sisters had come in from Macon that day, so she was home, and my brother and his wife came over for dinner, so they were there. I hadn't seen any of my family since the wedding, so it was nice to be back around the Yarbrough dinner table with them again. After dinner I went to a friend's house for a bonfire. It was also really awesome. My friend group from high school (named by others the "Mafia") was all there and back together again. It felt like old times. We all sat around the fire and reconnected with each other for a few hours. Definitely an evening well spent.

Turkey day! Except not really, because my mom had to work and my sister was supposed to work. Nothing significant happened that day really, I just watched some football and Netflix (Teen Wolf is now streaming live, enough said). After dinnertime, my family went over to my sister-in-law's parent's house for dessert and just hanging out. It was a lot of fun. Our families are both very family-oriented, so we meshed well together. I played Corn Hole for the first time and it was fun! I didn't do too well, but Caitlin's brother-in-law and I won 2 games out of 3 against my brother and his nephew.

Friday was the of Boy Meets World! After a wonderfully delicious grilled steak dinner prepared by my dad, I went to a friend's house for several hours of the greatest show ever produced: Boy Meets World. We started with season 5 (the start of Senior year), and after watching all of it, we skipped to season 7 (college). I love this show. I wish I owned all of the seasons so I could watch them whenever I wanted (or that they would be on Netflix). Such a great TV show. I don't know how many shows I could just sit and watch for literally 4+ straight hours.

Saturday was Turkey day for real! And football day! The spirit of the fall season was summed up in this one day: football and Thanksgiving. First it was my Dawgs versus those nerds from Tech. Even though it's not a conference match, this is definitely one of the most important games of the season for the Dawgs. It was a good game, and my Dawgs pulled out the W ("We still run this state!"). Before/during Thanksgiving dinner was the Auburn/Alabama game, the Iron Bowl. My entire immediate family loves Auburn, so this game is always a cause for commotion around the Yarbrough house. I didn't care how the game ended up, but Alabama won. No surprise there. After dinner we went to get our Christmas tree! I LOVE Christmas time, but I do wait until Thanksgiving is over before getting into the Christmas spirit. Now that we had had Thanksgiving dinner, it was Christmas time. It's Yarbrough family tradition for 5 of us kids to scope out the trees and find their favorite, then my parents decide which one they like best. I'm a usual front runner for favorite tree, but my sister's won this year. It's a good tree though, so it's ok that she won. Our house now smells like Christmas (which smells like a Christmas tree, by the way), and I love it. I can't wait to go back home to be surrounded by everything Christmas.

Sunday! My last day at home for the break. I had been looking forward to Sunday for about a week or 2 before the break. After church, I met my 2 life-long best friends for lunch. When I say life-long, that's literal. The 3 of us have literally grown up together, and I love them so much. It's always so good when the 3 of us get together because we always pick up right where we left off. We had such a great time together, and I can't wait until I can see them again. Lunch with them was the perfect way to end my break.

If your break wasn't as good, I'm sorry. I hope it was, but I understand if it wasn't. Mine was tough to beat. Take the remainder of this week and strive to make it as best as possible! Thanks for reading!


My glasses kinda ruined the picture, but I love my best friends!

My brothers and me at the Christmas tree farm

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Mountaintop Ending to a Valley Week

This week (including the weekend preceding it) was the worst of the semester, by far. Basically everything that could have gone wrong went wrong somewhere between Friday of last week and Thursday (Yesterday). I'll mention some of the things that happened, but some I'll leave out for various reasons.

1. My fish died on Tuesday morning. Now, I know this is not a big deal at all, but it just added on to the great week I was already having. I had had Julius Caesar since February, because of Ice Formal. Most of the people who got fish from Ice Formal said theirs died rather quickly, so I was quite proud of Julius for still being alive. He had made it all of Spring Break without being fed (I'm a terrible owner, I know), and a few trips back and forth from Kennesaw to Columbus. This semester, because I'm an RA living in a super suite, he was my roommate, so to speak. I have a daily routine in the mornings which included feeding him, so I got very used to him being around. I trained him how to tell me when he was hungry, so I feel like we bonded and he kinda liked me as an owner. Although he was a fish, it wasn't a good thing to find him dead Tuesday morning.

2. I scratched my throat or something at the Yellowcard concert. On Tuesday night, Jessie, Danielle, and I went to the Masquerade in Atlanta to see Yellowcard. I had been looking forward to this since I became a huge fan of them last semester. I caught a guitar pick! This night was definitely a super-high to the week (and it kept me sane during the mess). Wednesday morning when I woke up, I could tell that something was wrong with my throat, more than just me losing my voice due to the concert. My throat has been hurting like crazy since Wednesday morning, and it sucks.

3. My glasses broke (well, I broke them) on Wednesday night. Sunday afternoons, I play volleyball from 3-5 with whoever shows up to play. I was up at the net, and the hardest hitter on the court was on the other team. The guy on my team tried to set it to me, but set it a little far, and it went over the net. The hard hitter saw this opportunity for a great kill, jumped up, and hit the ball as hard as he could...into my face. My glasses flew off and got all kinds of bent. I had been trying to bend them back into place so much that on Wednesday, the metal finally broke. I have been without glasses since then. It's kinda funny now, living life without glasses. People comment on how different I look, they ask if I can see, and make jokes about me not being able to see. I am adjusting nicely without glasses, but I would love to get a new pair soon.

So those things are some of the things that just absolutely killed my week. If you saw me at all and I was anything less than nice, I am so sorry.

Now for the Mountaintop! Friday gets here, and I am so excited for Fourks staff bonding. A few hours at Red Top Mountain with my staff sounded perfect to me. I just had to get through in-service and I was good to go. It was just a speed bump to a good evening, something that I overlooked. It was something I had to go to, and I wasn't expecting to get much out of it.

I was completely blown away by the amazing afternoon that James had planned for in-service. It started off with a talk from Jeff, and then a guest speaker, Zach! He was an RD in the suites last year, and a supervisor to the UVS Council, of which I was Vice-President then President of my freshman year, so I knew him well. After he spoke, a few RA's talked about what motivated them. It was nice to hear about what kept other people going when life/the job/whatever got them down. After that, James had arranged for each RA to have a paper cut-out t-shirt. We were to write our names on the shirts, then go around and write really awesome things on other people's shirts, starting with our own staff. Reading all the nice things people said about me really surprised me and gave me the pick-me-up that I so desperately needed. I was instantly overcome with happiness, joy, and all kinds of other good things that my valley of a week seemed to not matter anymore. I didn't know I had the affect on people that I apparently have, and finding that out meant so much to me. I have been affected by my staff and others, and I had hoped I was having a similar affect on them. I can't wait to hang my t-shirt up to serve as a constant reminder to the way my actions affect others.

Staff Bonding. I had been looking forward to it since I got the email about what we were doing. An evening at Red Top Mountain. Perfect. As soon as we all got in the van, I knew it was going to be great. My great mood from in-service had definitely carried over, and I was ready for a great evening. We got to the campsite, and Krystal had to check in at the visitor's center. We all decided to go hide from her, so we got out of the van and ran to some trees to hide. It seems childish, but we were having fun. We got to the place we reserved, and it was blocked off, so we had to wait for a camp ranger to let us in. While we were waiting, we took a few staff pictures around the Red Top Mountain sign, and I took a few great pictures of the scenery of the mountain and lake. We got to the site and started setting up things for dinner and the activities we would be doing. I ran down the hill to the lake to look for a fire pit, but didn't find one. I did, however, get another great picture (I just wish I had a better camera phone). We bonded over dinner, the activity before dinner, and the conversation after dinner. It was just the thing that I think we needed as a staff, and that I needed as an individual. Such a perfect evening. I definitely ended my week in the valley on a mountaintop (literally and figuratively!).

A few members of my great staff!

The great picture I took down by the lake on my phone

Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 10: 1 Picture (of yourself))

So, I decided that, for the first time, I was going to participate in NoShave November. I started this 10 day challenge with the thought in mind that day 10 would be a picture of my progress thus far in the month. (My glasses broke on Wednesday, which is why I'm not wearing them in the picture.)

Due to bad lighting and a bad camera, you probably can't see much of the facial hair, but it's there.

Thanks for sticking around through all 10 days of the challenge! Be sure to look back at my blog every now and then for new posts!


Day 9: 2 Songs

1. Believe by Yellowcard. I recently (probably March or April) became a huge Yellowcard fan, thanks to my Cartel station on Pandora. Said station played one song by Yellowcard, and I don't even remember which one it was, but I really liked it. I already had Ocean Avenue (because come on, who didn't?) on my iPod, so I decided to check out more of their stuff, and I really liked it. I now have 4 of their CDs (working on getting the rest) on my computer and iPod, and they are one of my favorite bands. I don't think I go a day without listening to them. This song in particular is probably my favorite by Yellowcard. The chorus of this song, though very simple, speaks volumes, especially to me. It just repeats the phrase, "Everything is gonna be alright" three times then says, "Be strong. Believe." While simple, it stands out to me. If I am ever having a bad day (which has been happening more often than not lately, sadly), I just listen to this song, and it makes me feel better. Everything will be alright, I just have to be strong and believe it. I try so hard to live like this. I wish I did it more often.

2. I Am Understood by Relient K. This is my favorite band, and has been since probably elementary school. I have seen them 3 times in concert, and I can't wait to see them more. The writer of this song talks about how there is one person, God, who understands him completely, and loves him even though He knows him. I think I have a few favorite lines from this song. This first is this: "Your love regardless of the mistakes I make will spoil me." The writer talks about how he is so loved by God, that despite the things he does that are wrong, he is still loved just the same, and he is spoiled in that love. I compare it to a kid who is so spoiled with toys and whatnot that he/she doesn't know what to do with them all. The writer is overwhelmed by the amount of love he feels from a God who loves him regardless of what he does. Another favorite line I have is, "And You recite my words right back to me, before I even speak. You let me know, I am understood." That's all most people really want, right? To have someone that they know understands them. The writer loves how God knows what he's going to say before he says it, and that He tells him he is understood. I love this. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 8: 3 Films

1. August Rush. I saw this movie three times in theaters (but I never paid for my own ticket any time). It is such a great movie, and one of my favorites. It shows a great example that the power of music has, enough to reunite a family. It also shows how if you want something bad enough, nothing will stop you from getting it. Freddie Highmore, Keri Russel, and Jonathan Meyers are all incredibly talented.

2. The Prestige. This movie kept me guessing until the very end. I am usually good at guessing what's going to happen at the end of the movie, but I couldn't figure this one out. An incredible plot/story line and great acting combine to make this such an awesome movie.

3. Shutter Island. After watching this movie for the first time, I literally sat in my seat stunned for a few good minutes. I did not see the ending coming. I applaud this movie on its ability to completely blow my mind in the end (I won't give away the ending for anyone who hasn't seen it). Just know that you need to see this movie.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 7: 4 Books

1. The Harry Potter Book Series. When the books were coming out, I was not allowed to read them. When a friend literally thrust the first book into my hands my junior year of high school, I could not stop until I read all 7 books. It is definitely one of the best book series I have ever read.

2. The Left Behind Series (kids). I started reading this series one night when I was probably 8 or 9. My sister gave me the first book to read, and I started reading it. My siblings and I (minus my younger brother) were all reading the series, just different books. My mom would buy the books as they came out, my older brother would read them first, and pass them down the line, until all 40 books were read by the 4 of us. It was also an incredible series, and one of the first I remember reading through its entirety.

3. The Kite Runner. I read this book my senior year of high school because of my World Lit. class. I honestly thought it was going to be just another dumb school-assigned book, but it was so good. I loved reading it and discussing it with my classmates who also read and loved it.

4. The Hunger Games Trilogy. I picked up the first book of this trilogy back in January, while at Barnes and Noble. My friend Emily said she had heard it was such a good series, and I should buy the first book, so I did. It was incredible. The first book took me less than a week to read, no doubt. I just had to get my hands on the other two books. When I was home one weekend, I bought the second book, read it in one day, took it back to the store the next day, and bought the third book, which I read in just a few days. It definitely ranks up there with HP as one of the best book series I have ever read, and I am so stoked for the movie that's coming out in March.

I know I technically picked more than 4 books, but I couldn't choose just 4 books that I loved reading. I had to go with the 4 books/series that I had the most enjoyment reading. If you're ever in doubt of a book or book series, check out any of these 4 suggestions, or email me for others!


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 6: 5 Foods

1. My mom's spaghetti casserole. It's one of the first meals that I learned how to cook by myself, and it's so good. I usually request it whenever mom asks what I want for dinner.

2. Pizza. Growing up, I think this was every kid's favorite food. Even now, it's still one of my favorite foods. Whether it be delivery or store-bought, pizza is good. It's one of those foods where I have to be conscious of how much I'm eating, because I could eat a lot.

3. Wrap from the Commons. I hate to admit that this made the list, but the KSU Commons makes incredible wraps. I get one pretty much every time I go to the Commons. They're so good.

4. Lasagna. I love Italian food, and lasagna is no exception. Most of the lasagnas I have tried have been amazing (Stoeffers, various restaurants, etc.), and that's due to the fact that lasagna is just really good and easy to make.

5. A good sub. Now I know that this isn't specific, but that's because there are many places that make good subs (Subway, Firehouse, Jimmy Johns, just to name a few). I think I could eat subs for most of the rest of my meals for life and be completely ok with it. If you can make a good sub, you're good in my book.

Thanks for reading!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 5: 6 Places

1. Columbus, Georgia. It's where I was born, and where I spent most of my life growing up. Most of my friends are from here, and it's where I have most of my memories. It's also where I went to high school and where my parents live. I feel like because of these reasons that it should be the first on this list.

2. Paris, France. It is definitely the place I want to travel to more than anywhere else. I love the French language, and now that I feel I know enough to have a basic conversation and get around town, I so badly want to go.

3. Salvador, Brazil. I went here last October with my PEGS group, and it was one of the best trips I've ever been on. It was so much fun, I bonded with my PEGS group, and I was able to experience Brazil, something I feel most people don't get to do.

4. Durham, North Carolina. I spent 3 and a half years here, and they were some of the best years. I made so many friends, many of whom I still talk to now. I can't wait until the next time I get to go back (hopefully this summer!)

5. Boston, Massachusetts. I've never been here, but being a history ed. major, I want to go so bad. There is just too much American history to not feel the need to visit. So many important things happened in Boston.

6. Kennesaw, Georgia. Obvious choice. It's my home now. My school is here, most of the people I talk to on an everyday basis are here. This is where my life is for the next few years.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 4: 7 Wants

1. A car. I know this makes me sound like a superficial teenager, but I want a car. There are those days when you just need to get away from it all for a little while and drive somewhere, but I can't do that, at least not right now.

2. To be a really good teacher. I've had those teachers that have really made a difference in my life because of their class, and I really hope that I can pay it forward by having a lasting impression on the lives of my students.

3. To become fluent in French. I love the language, and I want to be able to speak it fluently. If anyone has any suggestions on how to do this (other than take classes in college), please let me know. I wanted to minor in French, but the French department here at KSU really annoys me, so I don't think I can take another semester of it.

4. To not have to worry about money. I've lived my whole life having to be extremely conscious of how much I/my parents had and had to watch what I spent, especially in college. I'd just like to not have to do that. I wouldn't go crazy with buying things, I would just buy what I needed and maybe a little extra.

5. To travel. Mainly to Europe, but everywhere else as well. I've been to Brazil, and it was amazing. I want to see what the rest of the world has to offer.

6. To know with confidence that I'm doing a good job. I feel like with my job, I am doing everything that I am supposed to be doing, I just want to know I'm doing a good job at it. I'd hate to be a student here at KSU and not be an RA. It'd just be too weird.

7. To see every band/artist that I want to in concert. I'm going to the Yellowcard concert on Tuesday with 2 of my fellow fourks (Jessie and Danielle!), and I am so excited. I want to make a list of bands/artists to see live, and then go see them.

Thanks for reading!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 3: 8 Fears

1. Feet. Ok, this one isn't so much a fear as it is an extreme hatred. I think feet are gross and disgusting, and I hate when people's feet are anywhere near me. My friends Caitlin and Matt know this, and like to put their feet on me and whatnot. Not cool guys, not cool.

2. Rejection. No one likes to be told "no". It's not something we want to hear. In high school, there were many things that I didn't even try for fear of being told no, but I've changed that in college :)

3. The ocean when I can't see the bottom. Idk what I kind of ocean dwellers are in the water when I can't see the bottom, so I don't want to be in it.

4. Getting pulled over by a cop. It's the worst feeling in the world. The fear that enters your mind when you see the blue lights in your review mirror just sucks.

5. Getting in a wreck. I've been in a few wrecks before (both driving and not), and luckily no one has been hurt in any of them, but I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me.

6. That moment when you go to kill a roach and you think you kill it but you miss and then you can't find it again (this is worse when it's night time and the roach is somewhere in your room). I can't go to bed knowing there is a roach somewhere crawling around in my room.

7. I (used to) have a fear of roller coasters. I hated being locked into a contraption when I had no control over where it was going and I couldn't get out until the end.

8. People not liking me for either a stupid reason or no reason at all. I don't like being not liked, especially by people that I haven't even met yet. I don't form an opinion about someone until I meet them, and I guess I expect people to do the same.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 2: 9 Loves

1. I know I mentioned this in my previous blog, but I really do love my friends. I am 100% the person who would literally do anything I could to help them out, make their lives better, whatever. I hate to see a friend (or anyone, really) in a bad mood, upset by something, etc., so if I can make their day better, I want to. Clearly, my friendships mean the world to me.

2. I love my job. A lot people have terrible experiences either as an RA or with their RA, so the job title of RA gets a terrible reputation, but I love it. I love everything about it. ResLife is great. Through my job I have met literally some of my favorite people. My residents are really great, and I have a great staff. I don't even mind being on duty every now and then (like right now!). This really is the best job a person can have while in college, especially here at KSU.

3. I love driving, and I hate that I haven't had access to a car to just drive whenever I want to. I love solo drives and drives with a friend or two. Road trips are the bomb. If it's a solo drive, you can bet that the radio/iPod is turned up loud and I'm singing at the top of my lungs. If it's a drive with a friend or two, I feel like those are the best times to have a really good conversation. You're sitting next to each other and can't go anywhere. What else are you going to do?

4. Speaking of that, I love a really good conversation. I could talk to a person for hours if the conversation is good. I love learning things about my friends and just spending time with them. To me, a good conversation with a friend could be the best therapy anyone could get, and it's free. Talking things out makes you feel so much better, and it's great to have someone to talk it out with.

(This is a shout-out for Caitlin and Staci!)

5. I love to travel. Not just by car, but by plane, train, boat, etc., as well. I love to go to places I've never been before. I went to Brazil last October with PEGS, and I LOVED it. I just want to travel.

6. I love coffee. Growing up, I always loved the smell, but never really liked it. I never even drank Starbucks. I grew to love Starbucks in high school, and I drink their coffee way too much. Also, I usually have a cup of Folgers Special Roast every morning before classes, if I have the time. There's not much that can't be talked about/solved/discussed (can you tell I love to talk to people?) over a cup of coffee :)

7. I love Italian food. Carrabbas, Olive Garden, and Johnny Carino's are some of my favorite restaurants. I love lasagna, spaghetti, tortellini, and all other types of pasta. I want to go to Italy just for the food.

8. I have began a recent love for art. I think taking Humanities in high school sparked the interest. I am taking Ar t1107 next semester, and I'm really excited about it. I really want to adorn my walls with really cool pieces of artwork, but I can't afford that right now. Soon, though.

9. I love a good quote. I love words, and I wish I was better at using them to sum of what I wanted to say. I love when I find an instance where someone has said what I wanted to say so much better than I could have.

I hope you enjoyed just a few things that I love! Care to comment? Leave it in the box below! Thanks for reading!


10 Day Challenge - Intro and Day 1: 10 Secrets

In order to get into a better habit of blogging, I have decided to do a blog challenge. I looked on the Internet for a 30-day challenge that I could do over the month of November, but there weren't any that I liked enough to stick with for 30 days. My friend Tracey ( is currently in the middle of this blog challenge, so that is where I got the idea for this one.

Take a journey with me over the next 10 days as I complete the 10 Days YOU Challenge!

Day 1: 10 Secrets
These won't actually be so much secrets as they are just things about me that you may not know. Secrets are meant to be kept, not shared on a blog for everyone on the Internet to see! :)

(these are in no particular order, just however I come up with them!)

1. If there is one thing that I put my everything into, it's friendships. When it comes to my friends, there are few people that come before them in my life. I'm there for my friends no matter what. Relationships are too important to me to not do right. Go big or go home.

2. I said this in one of my previous posts, but writing is something I love doing. I may not be great at it, but that's no reason not to do it.

3. Sometimes I wonder whether or not I want to be a teacher. I go back and forth with myself about doing something else. But then something will happen, or I'll get reminded of something, and it'll make me remember that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life.

4. Music is such a big part of my life. I'm not too experienced in it, but I do love what I know. I can just about  find that one song that describes every situation, and that makes me feel better about said situation (if it's a bad one).

5. There have been several times in the last year and a half that I wished I was still in high school. I then realize that it's not so much high school that I miss, it's just my friends and how close we all were back then.

6. With that being said, I miss theater so much. The years of high school that I spent in the CHS auditorium were the best, and I wouldn't trade them for anything. I'd love to get involved somehow with KSU theater.

7. I hate to say it, but although most of my life is in Columbus, and that's where I grew up, home to me is Kennesaw, at least it will be for the next 5 years or so. Columbus just isn't the same anymore. Kennesaw is where I feel at home.

8. I carved my very first pumpkin tonight, accompanied by my friends Carina, Matt, and Jaime. They were amazed that I had never carved one before, so I carved Carina's miniature pumpkin before staff meeting. Below is a picture of said pumpkin.

9. When Twitter first came out, I thought it was the stupidest thing ever. "Just a bunch of Facebook statuses, that's all it is," is what I used to think it was. Not anymore. I am an avid tweeter, and you should follow me if you don't already!

10. I usually hate making lists like this. It's difficult to me to find things to talk about that people will actually care about reading. I think this list was different, and I hope you enjoyed reading it!


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Nothing But Good Feelings

Let me just go through why my day was so good:

     Whose brother got married today? Mine! Who was the Best Man? I was! The whole day was filled with good feelings, good people, and a great wedding/reception. The day started with waking up to cinnamon rolls, our usual Christmas morning tradition. Mom wanted to make them because it was the last morning with the family as it was (we have one more person now!). After breakfast, I watched football with the guys (my dad and brothers) until it was time to go to the church. Although wearing a tux for 7 hours wasn't too comfortable, I didn't mind it (I looked pretty good if I do say so myself). The pictures were not as bad as I thought they were going to be. I went into the church with the expectations of taking a lot of pictures, so I was prepared. I am actually really excited to see how they turn out. It was the first wedding I was in, and I was Best Man, so it is definitely a wedding to remember (even if for no other reason).
     The ceremony itself went very smoothly, and didn't even last too long. From where I was standing, I was facing Caitlin while her and Chris were doing the vows, standing there during the song, etc., and her facial expressions were hilarious! Her and Chris were talking to each other during one of the songs, and although I couldn't hear what was being said, I was laughing because she was making the funniest faces while talking to Chris. After the wedding, the siblings of the bride and groom and their spouses and kids all rode on a trolley from the wedding to the reception downtown. I felt really important, not going to lie.
     The reception hall looked very classy and well-decorated, and walking into it escorting the matron of honor made me important once again haha. Caitlin wanted to do a family dance, so the Yarbrough's and Smith's tore up the dance floor right after the bride and groom dance. Needless to say, my dance partner (my older sister, Ashley) and I owned the floor. In fact, my family was very impressed with my dancing for the evening. After the dance came dinner, which was a salad with a double-meat plate entree. So. Good.
     After dinner, it was time for the speech. My speech. The only toast to be given to the bride and groom that evening. Talk about pressure! I wasn't expecting to get nervous, but when the DJ handed me the microphone and all eyes turned towards me, I froze. My hands started shaking, and I didn't think I could speak. But after the opener and everyone laughed, I knew it would be ok. A few days before the wedding, everyone asked me if they needed to proofread my speech for inappropriate words. I told them not to be worried. I was right. Everyone was so impressed, and my toast was definitely talking about all night. The father of the bride (ahh movie reference!...and yes, we made references during the rehearsal) even told me it was the best toast he had ever heard, and he'd been to several weddings and heard several toasts. It made me feel really good that something I wrote completely on my own (no one heard the speech before tonight) went over so well, especially to the bride and groom (they loved it). Although I felt so proud/happy/whatever for the bride and groom, it was definitely a personal victory for me :)
     All in all, the night was so wonderful, and everything went as planned. I am so thankful for this weekend, my family, and everything else I have been blessed with.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Introduction: Let's Try This Again

     I already had this blog because of my BUSA1000 class last fall, but I posted very rarely and because it was a requirement for the class.

     I have to say that the main reason I you are reading this now is because of my twin/girl version of myself/good friend Tracey Cordle (check out her blog at!). She has a successful blog of her own, and I figured, "Hey, we're the same person, maybe I can have a successful blog too!" Tracey posts on her blog, and then talk about it with her friends, which makes them want to check it out. After a lot of talking about/reading Tracey's blog, I decided that I should get my old blog up and running again.

     I may not be very good at it, but secretly, one of my hobbies is writing. I love to write. I'm not at a skill level to where I can write music, but writing is fun to me. Growing up, my sister and I would write short stories and children's "novels" (very short novels) quite often. I wish I kept those so I could go back and look at them now. Even writing essays/papers in high school and now college is not that big of a deal to me because I get to write. It may be research over a topic I don't find enjoyable, or it may be over a book I haven't read, but I'm writing.

     One thing that in particular that my dad (it's actually his birthday today. Happy birthday, dad!) has said to me that I remember most was this: we were riding in the car together, talking about J.K. Rowling, and how I think she is an incredible woman and author. My dad looks over to me and says, "You know, you could do that too. I've seen some of the things you've written, and you can do it too." It was so weird to me. I did not know that my dad had ever read anything I had written, but he had. And he liked it too. That could just be him being my dad and saying nice things because he has to, but it could also be one of those genuine "I really believe this" kind of things. I'm choosing to go with the latter.

     With that being said, I am not looking to become the next J.K. Rowling. It is just nice to have the confidence of my dad, especially with something I am putting on the internet to represent me to (hopefully) a good number of people.